Easing Worry
8th May 2020
These are worrying times. There's no getting away from it. We aren't in control of our lives because of this Covid-19 virus, and we have been trying to deal with many hardships and losses. But, somehow we must find a way through our mental and emotional load, otherwise we'll find it even more challenging when things eventually get back to whatever the new normal will be. Worry, anxiety, stress, panic and all those other awful emotions we've been experiencing, can make us ill.
Stress is known to be one of the most serious health problems today. It is a debilitating condition that can literally stop our body functioning properly. Worry creates stress, and stress creates ill health.
Worry is non-productive. We usually don't resolve the worrying situation or arrive at a solution, and the more we think about it, the bigger the worry becomes.
There are many different ways to ease worry, but one stands out as being particularly effective.
Plan some ‘worry time’
The aim of 'worry time' is three-fold.
1. It places a wall around the worry process and stops it from spreading.
2. It turns the worry into something more constructive.
3. 'Worry Time' during the day is especially helpful in preventing night worrying.
Make a list of things you worry about
- Set aside 15-30 minutes each day as 'worry time', and spend that time intentionally worrying. This helps you to gain control over your thoughts.
- If you start to worry at other times, tell yourself firmly STOP. Make a list of the things you were worrying about, postpone the worrying about them to 'worry time' and focus on what you are doing.
- During 'worry time', deal with each worry in turn, worry about it as much as possible, then treat it as a problem to be solved, such as a different plan of action.
- At the end of your worry period, spend some time planning positively and realistically for the future. Worrying is unproductive, but planning is very productive.
- Factor into each day some planning time. Take all the time you want for planning, but don't allow worry to enter your planning period.
- If you find planning is not working for you yet, leave it be for a while. Something positive and effective often pops up later when you relax your mind.
- Modify the amount of time you spend worrying, as you start to get better control of your thinking.
Finally, take a deep breath in right now. On the out-breath relax your shoulders, and your whole body will relax.
Now go and sort out your planning schedule
Let me know how you get on.
Copyright © 2020 Brenda Martin