Eat Wisely, Eat Well
14th Jul 2017
Fresh is best when it’s eaten fresh. If it kicks around the kitchen or fridge for a few days, vital nutrients disperse into the air and the food starts to oxidise.
Buy fruit and vegetables little and often. Buy them slightly unripe and let them ripen on the windowsill to boost nutrient content and flavour.
Frozen is next best, because it’s frozen immediately after picking which keeps the nutrients in good condition. However, kicking around the freezer for months will destroy the nutrients.
Tins and packets are less nutritious, and some less than others. Read labels carefully, as many are full of sugar, salt, additives, preservatives, flavourings and chemicals.
Wash fruits and vegetables well to remove pesticides and other nasties that are sprayed over them.
Don’t cut, wash or soak fruit and vegetables until just before eating them.
Steam vegetables to retain nutrients. Use the remaining mineral-rich water for soup or stock.
Deep-fry as little as possible, because oils turn into trans-fats (damaged fats) when heated.
Microwaving is always controversial, but is mostly successful for water-based foods.
Some vegetables retain their nutrients more effectively when cooked rather than eaten raw, such as carrots, broccoli and spinach.
Eat fruits and vegetables in season, when they contain most nutrients, and are less expensive.
Drink lots of lovely, life-giving water every day.
Good food in, bad food out. Don’t keep food hanging around in cupboards for months. Eat it or throw it.
We have plenty of healthy-eating tips. Take one of our courses and learn how good food and wise preparation will improve your health, energy and well-being.
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