Do You Have a Toxic Bedroom?
3rd Mar 2024
It’s important to keep your bedroom healthy, as you spend a third of your life in it. Your body is at its most vulnerable during sleep. It’s the time for it to rest, repair and heal, not defend itself from toxic enemies.
There can be many reasons for waking up feeling unrefreshed, but you don’t want your bedroom to be one of them. If you can healthy-up your bedroom, it may help you to sleep better and wake up feeling good.
- Chi needs space to meander around the room like a gently-flowing stream. Piles of clothes or other stuff will stop it flowing well. Don’t feel you need to be super-tidy all the time, but do allow chi some space to move around your stuff. Also bear in mind that a tidy room feels calm and tranquil. A cluttered room feels busy and chaotic.
- If your bed lies directly between the door and window, chi enters and rushes over the bed, possibly making you feel uneasy. If you can’t move your bed out of the line of fire, place an obstacle such as a tall artificial plant just inside the door. Chi will be attracted to the plant and stop rushing towards your bed.
- Sharp corners and edges of furniture could be aiming at you while in bed. Chi becomes rather angry around sharp edges. Move the piece of furniture if possible or soften the edges and corners with a doyley or plant hanging partly over the edge.
- A ceiling fan above the bed chops your chi around.
- A pointed lampshade above your bed aims a poison arrow at you.
- No pictures of water. Water is too yang for peaceful sleep.
- No pictures above the bed-head. Downward pressure on you, possibly creating headaches or chest congestion.
- No mirror reflecting the bed. Mirrors bounce chi around the bedroom, creating restlessness. A television screen does the same.
- A live plant can help to absorb pollutants and improve air quality, but only one and strictly not with pointed leaves. Plants are yang and too many create a buzz of energy.
Sort out problems with noise, feeling too hot or cold, sleeping on an uncomfortable mattress or pillows, too much light coming in during the night (keeping your body producing serotonin to wake you up), and your diet – too much caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, spicy food and other stimulants can stop quality sleep.
Blue light emanating from electronic equipment such as phones, televisions, computers, digital clocks, ipads and such, as well as energy-efficient light bulbs, can keep your bodily system on alert rather than winding down for sleep. Reduce or remove electronics, especially the phone charger, and search out tungsten filament bulbs which give out a warmer light that doesn’t flicker.
- Harmful chemicals, microbes and pollutants invade our bedroom overnight.
- Shoes bring in toxins from dirty roads and pesticide-ridden grass and foliage. Keep them out of the bedroom.
- Open windows in the morning to let fresh air circulate and lessen mould and fungus growth which influences allergies and asthma, and weakens the immune system.
- Carpets abound in dust, dust mites, allergens and micro-organisms. Vacuum regularly.
- Radiators need regular dusting. They heat the air, which rises and spreads dust which you breathe in. Dust collects moisture and miniscule, often harmful, substances.
- Furniture made from fake wood such as MDF or chipboard can give off harmful gases for many years. It can make your eyes sore. The culprit is the glue sticking the small bits of timber together. It often contains formaldehyde. Solid timber is best, but of course more expensive.
- Mattresses are often made with polyurethane foam, a petroleum-based material that emits pollutants. It can cause breathing and skin issues. Mattresses often use adhesives containing formaldehyde, linked to asthma and allergic reactions. Treatments to make mattresses safe from fire and fungus often involve harmful chemicals. They leach into the dust in the room and you inhale the dust. Remove dust regularly and keep the room well-ventilated. You could consider changing to an organic cotton or low-chemical mattress. Do research this.
- Pillows attract fungus spores, which love warm, damp places to grow, and which can cause respiratory problems and skin irritations. Don’t go to bed with wet hair, and air pillows in sunlight every week. Replace pillows every two years.
- Paint gives off harmful substances that linger for weeks, even when dry. Choose low-chemical (low or no-VOC) paints. VOC means volatile organic compounds, which are gases that invade the air from products or processes. Use water-based paints containing casein. It’s quick-drying and contains no harmful solvents.
- Bed frames are best in solid wood rather than glued-together particle-board. Metal is a conductor of electromagnetic radiation, which can disrupt a good night’s sleep, and increase the risk of health problems.
- Detergents need to be as natural as possible and free from phosphates and synthetic dyes and fragrances. Use detergents with natural essential oils. You spend many hours between the sheets. Ensure they get chemical-free laundering.
Next time you can’t find a reason for your sneezing, burning eyes, itchy skin or poor-quality sleep, see what you can do in your bedroom with feng shui, some self-care, and getting rid of possible toxins. Even one or two changes can make a huge, positive difference. Let me know how you get on.
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